Premium Honey

Found 6 Products for Premium Honey

Sourwood Artisanal Honey

Sourwood Honey originates in the Appalachian mountains of Georgia. It has a flavor that is floral with light hints of baking spices. The honey's color ranges from pure white to light amber with a slightly pink tint and its texture is defined as a smooth but not overly sweet.  There is a definite aftertaste of anise to this honey. Hard to come by but worth the effort.

Tupelo Artisanal Honey

Tupelo honey is often called "The Queen of Honey", and is considered the sweetest liquid gold in the South. Tupelo nectar is transformed into a delicacy whose combination of strength, subtlety and sweetness is almost impossible to describe. This honey has a texture to it that is smooth and creamy. Tupelo Honey never crystallizes in the bottle.  Another honey that is hard to come by but worth the effort.